ADU Laws with Dennis Doss

Doss on Leveraging ADU Laws for Lenders — Featured in National Mortgage Professional

Dennis Doss, Doss Law’s Founding Partner, was recently featured in National Mortgage Professional, where he shared his thoughts on California’s newly updated accessory dwelling unit (ADU) laws and their opportunity to build up housing where there’s demand. The article, California ADU Laws Expected To Boost Affordable Inventory, covers how recent changes in California is opening doors for homeowners, private mortgage lenders, and real estate investors. Doss gave his perspective on how these new ADU laws can help with the state’s housing crisis and discussed how these policies might influence markets beyond California.

California’s New ADU Laws Open Doors for Homeowners and Investors

California’s strict zoning laws have long made it difficult to increase housing inventory, but recent changes are helping to open the door for more ADU projects. Doss talks about how the new laws, including Assembly Bill 1033 and Assembly Bill 976, make it easier for homeowners to build and rent ADUs. These changes, along with faster approvals, are expected to lead to more ADUs being developed, with less red tape.

Private Lenders Find Opportunity

Doss also pointed out that traditional banks often struggle to classify ADU construction loans, creating a unique opportunity for private lenders to step in. He explained how private lenders can finance these projects upfront, offering the opportunity for two separate loans: one for construction and another when homeowners refinance after the ADU is complete.

Looking beyond California, Doss predicted that states like Florida and Texas could follow suit with similar ADU-friendly laws, especially in areas where housing demand is rising. He also emphasized the need for greater housing density in urban areas, explaining that while ADUs are a start, higher-density housing could be the next step for areas facing land shortages.

Read the full article on National Mortgage Professional: California ADU Laws Expected To Boost Affordable Inventory

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